Alex A. - Eagle Project

Moccasin Lake Park Bird Blind Clearwater, FL
Completed 6/6/2009
My Eagle Scout Service Project will be planning and constructing a bird blind at Moccasin Lake Park in Clearwater Florida.

This is going to be an 8-foot tall by 8-foot wide by 8-foot long shed-like structure with slits in the front so you can see out of it and look at the birds and other wildlife, while it cannot see you. There is going to be two 16 inch tall “slits” or windows in the front of the structure. The two sides of the building are going to be open except for the roof. The back of the building is going to have a 3.5 foot tall open window. This window is here so that anyone approaching the blind will know if someone is in there and if someone is  using it.

There will also be two 20-inch tall benches inside the blind so people can sit and look at the birds rather than stand. On each side of the roof there will be a one foot overhang in case it rains. There will be a 12-inch pitch in the roof. The roof will be made of translucent panels. The bird blind will be placed on a hill next to a gulley and with a lake front view. Next to the gulley, I will cement fence posts into the ground with handrails to prevent anyone from falling into the gulley. I will also place a fence next to the entrance side of the bird blind with a handrail so people can use it for stepping up into the blind. A shell pathway will lead from the main path to the bird blind.

My Eagle Scout Project will benefit the park because the park gets a lot of bird watchers, so it would give the bird watchers another place to watch and study birds and their habits. The Audubon Society of Clearwater will also benefit because they will have an actual bird blind that they can use to study birds.

Another way the bird blind will benefit the park is for shelter. If someone is walking down the path past the blind and they get caught in the rain they can step in and use it to get out of the rain. The City of Clearwater will also benefit because they will have a bird blind that they didn’t even have to pay for.

'BEFORE' Photo
DURING' Photos




'AFTER' Photos




Time and Effort

Special Thanks For their Time and Effort!

Andrew Bogdan
Anne Marie Annis
Austin Drabek
Barry Joyce
Bill Jones
Bob Annis
Brandon Thebeau
Daniel Jones
Daniel Joyce
Joseph Harkins
Karl Bogdan
Kyle Denman
Mike Salmen
Nick Fatolitis
Noah Thompson
Phil Gillespie
Robbie Salmen
Robby Annis
Ross Guju
Ryan Curry
Scott Drabek
Sean Salmen
Sonny Shamsi



Square Knot


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